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Upcoming Movie Screening with Q&A Afterwards in Southern New Jersey

We would like to present our American audience with an opportunity to view “The Forecaster” in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. There will be a debut in the next few...

Troika Maneuvering to Rig Greek Referendum

In a TV interview, Mr. Varoufakis said very clearly, “This is a very dark moment for Europe. They have closed our banks for the sole purpose of blackmailing...

Greek Crisis Fails to Stimulate Gold

Despite the greatest political crisis in Europe, there has been “no love for gold” according to CNBC. Indeed, this crisis does in fact warn that all...

Letter from Tsipras to the Troika

Here is the Letter from Greece to the Troika The letter, written by Alexis Tsipras, is addressed to Jean Claude Juncker, Mario Draghi, and Christine Lagarde....

Greece Surrenders its Sovereignty to Brussels

The Syriza government is backing down after the realization that Brussels will declare economic war on Greece by deliberately trying to plunge the country into...

You Can Check-In for the Euro but You Can Never Leave

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained on Tuesday that Greece will remain in the euro, no matter how the referendum ends on Sunday. Two years ago,...

World Economic Conference in Berlin November 27-28

The Berlin conference will differ from that of Princeton from the standpoint that the questions posed by the audience will tend to be focused more upon Europe and...

Understanding Trading

The most fundamental truth about trading is that your opponent is YOURSELF. The majority must be wrong because they are the fuel that propels the market. The...

Greek Pro-Euro Protesters Are Just out of Their Minds

They interviewed the “YES” protesters (yes, stay in the euro) and the response was totally off the wall. A woman responds that she knows 95% of Greeks...

Politicians Have Absolutely No Endgame

Here is a list of the demands that the European Commission placed upon Greece. They are totally insane without any comprehension of the future. These demands are...