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Paris Theaters Debuting “The Forecaster” This Week

PARIS et Banlieue Cinéma Espace Saint Michel 7, place St Michel 75005 Paris A partir du 16 septembre Tous les jours 13:20 (sauf dimanche) – 15:05 –...

Advice for the Fed

I understand that Larry Summers and the IMF, among others, are advising the Fed not to raise rates. They are expecting the Fed to sacrifice domestic policy...

Changes on September 30/October 1, 2015 – 2015.75

  It is very interesting to see that we have a lot of things emerging for our turning point on September 30/October 1 (2015.75). This is the day the funding of...

Gold Confusion

COMMENT: Good Evening Martin, Great blog on the Gold Martin. Don’t bother with the nay -sayers. Most probably he got stock with too much gold and silver....

Global Warming/Climate Change Guide for Dummies

  QUESTION: Martin, Can you go into more detail about the time frame for global cooling, and its ramifications, what to do to prepare oneself etc…...

The Resurrection of Marx — End of Britain?

Jeremy Corbyn, the infamous Karl Marx admirer, has been elected UK opposition Labour Party leader. Corbyn is really a communist who professes an admiration for...

Market Talk – September 12, 2015

It was a mixed session for Asia yesterday after what has been a very volatile week. The talk remains as to what China’s next move would/should be and “if”...

2015.75 – The Turning Point

It is fascinating is how congress kicked the can down the road, and one thing that may cause a fight is Planned Parenthood. If the government shuts down over this...

Sea Ice Has Expanded Hundreds of Miles — Welcome Global Cooling!

We had the third perfect summer here in New Jersey. The temperature never really went above 95° F with no humidity. The last three years have been perfect as...

Taxation & Its Role in the Destruction of Our Economy

QUESTION: Thank you for your fascinating blog. I thoroughly enjoy reading your analysis on social, political, financial and historical topics. i would like to make...