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Brazil’s Credit Rating Cut to Junk Bond Status

S&P cut Brazil’s rating to BB-plus, the highest junk rating, from BBB-minus. The Sovereign Debt Crisis is unfolding right on...

Europe’s Migrant Crisis

Question: What is your analysis of the recent migrant crisis in the the Middle East and Europe? Is this the death knell for European Civilization demographically,...

French Reviews of “l’Oracle”

  “The Forecaster” translated into French becomes “l’ORACLE”, which to me is Warren Buffet’s tagline. This demonstrates the...

“The Forecaster” To Be Shown in Texas

Tickets are now on sale for “The Forecaster” at the B&B 12 Theatre in Wylie, TX, a suburb of Dallas. The film will air on Thursday, September 24, at 7:00...

Answering Questions for the Press

 Questions submitted by the Spanish Press Q: You predicted an economic peak by October 1, and you suggest there may be a U.S. government shutdown on that day....

Paris – Rome – Athens

I will be in Paris, Rome, & Athens over the next two weeks. We will be doing a live broadcast from Athens to 13...

Thinking & Understanding the Right Track

QUESTION: Martin, After many years of reading your work I thank you for improving my knowledge of all kinds. From reading your work I conclude the pi cycle has to...

Hillary – Anyone Else Would Be Prosecuted

On Wednesday, NBC News host Chuck Todd said, “This is no longer — she can’t just say this is a partisan witch hunt by the House Republicans. The FBI...

Market Talk – September 9, 2015

Asia saw some very strong gains on rumors of renewed Chinese intervention with the Nikkei producing its strongest one-day rise since 2008 (1,343 points +7.7%). The...