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Office in China

COMMENT:  Hey Marty, After spending several weeks in China I am now in Hanoi. I was not able to use any American e-mail service in China. Also, any western...

Outlook for the Dow

The Dow may have established a temporary high in May on our turning point. We have seen three Daily Bearish Reversals elected from the May 19 high and now support...

Retail Gold Sales Dropping Rapidly

COMMENT: Marty, I just got back from Madrid. I looked around for a place that sold gold. I could not find one. This is indeed very curious. Cheers LW REPLY: There...

Brussels to Take Over Tax Collection in Europe – End of Democracy

Germany and France have called for the establishment of a central EU authority for the eurozone to raise taxes independently. This plan is part of a package of...

Breaking Gold

Gold broke to new recent lows in euros, with critical support forming at the 1010 level as deflation continues to crush the economy. The largest ETF fund used to...

Big Bang – It Is Everywhere

Chicago may become the next Detroit. We can see this Big Bang unfolding everywhere around us at a very rapid pace. Moody’s Investor Services just cut Chicago’s...

An Interesting Observation of the World We Live in – Circus & Government

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, The contrast between your thinking and that of most governments and central banks with regard to the economy (the economic behaviour...

Brussels & the Trend Toward Authoritarianism

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, I hope your well. Please could you elaborate on your post: “Consolidating all the debt in the EU” Of course you were...

Goldman Sachs’ Analyst Death Toll Rising

  John Noyce, 36, Goldman’s top foreign exchange analyst is dead. No details were given at the time of his death, but recent reports claim he succumbed...

Gold & the Languishing Continues

The purpose of the Reversal System is to provide confirmation of a trend. In gold, the potential for a pop into June required a weekly closing above 1239. We wrote...