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TV Comedian Wins Presidency in Guatemala Election

Jimmy Morales, a former TV comedian who has never held office, swept to power in Guatemala’s presidential election on Sunday as voters rebelled against...

Asteroid Coming on Halloween

One of the closest flybys of an object will take place appropriately on Halloween. We don’t have to hide under the bed or run out and stockpile water and...

Market Talk October 26, 2015

As expected Asia opened with a strong bid following the PBoC announcement, with the Nikkei over 19k. This did not last however as all indices turned lower towards...

The Global Economic Crisis

Far too many people have underestimated the changes in the global economy. This year’s conference will focus on the significant instability risks that are...

Polish Elections Voted Anti-Euro on Sunday

I reported from Poland that the rising trend there was anti-euro, which has manifested into an anti-immigrant movement. I will be there next March once again....

Refugee Nightmare Brewing in Europe

In the Austrian town of Reichenfels in Carinthia, the refugees have protested and their abuse of water has led to rationing water for the entire town. The refugee...

Portugal Refuses to Allow Elected Politicians to Take Office

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I’m another Englishman who is an avid reader of your blog and am very much looking forward to your ECM conference material later this year....

War & the ECM

What is fascinating is that the Russian bombing in Syria began precisely on the day of the ECM. The Iraqi government authorized Russia to target Daesh convoys...

Merkel is Doomed in Germany

The federal government’s calculations show that about half a million refugees and immigrants who are coming to Germany will find themselves unemployed in the...

Debt Forgiveness / Cancellations

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What do you think of the Biblical forgiveness of debt which this time was due with the turn of your model? ANSWER: Debt cancellation or...