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Shanghai Share Market Outlook

Despite the fact that the rally in Shanghai was by no means a real bull market, regardless of the percentage move back up, keep in mind that what goes up big also...

Dow in Euros

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; In Munich, you said the US share market had peaked in euros and the low looked to be in August. Is that view still on track? WG ANSWER:...

Forecasting Against the Wind

  The leading story for the sell-off has been Wall Street’s shock by the mounting worries over instability in China and emerging markets. The tumultuous...

Market Talk – August 24, 2015

“Wild” is an understatement to describe today’s equity market moves. Some say the Chinese are at fault for their unexpected move in currency, but whatever...

Understanding How the Market Trades

We will update later on tonight after 9pm. But today’s close was WEAK, which was very good because many people were hoping for a strong bounce and the...

Dow Daily Bearish Reversal 15300.30

  The 16258.10 is a BULLISH REVERSAL, not  BEARISH. The underlying Daily Bearish are 15340.00 and 15300.30, followed by 15095.00. Technical closing support...

S&P 500 Typo

It’s 190600, not 1980600. Hey, I never took typing is high...

16680 Clarification in Dow

That is a Monthly Bearish at 16680, not a Daily. Penetrating that intraday merely meant we were blowing through to the main Monthly Bearish Reversal lying at the...

Dow Close for Today

We show important closing support at 16258.10 on our What-If Model. A closing above that level will help to firm today as at least a temp low. A closing ABOVE...

Panic – Time to Jump on the Low?

Our models show a gap in the Reversals, which is what you look for in a panic move. We warned, “A closing below 16680 would warn of a drop to the 15500...