Greenspan wrote rudimentary programs on a punch a card. This form of programming predates computers. This recording medium allowed one to code the notes to a song...
We received a lot of e-mails regarding the collapse in diamond prices, which is closely correlating with gold without bank manipulations. This is part of the...
The Shanghai share market made an outside reversal to the downside in June, signaling that the rally was over for now. The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at...
Gold Room Fort Knox QUESTION: Martin, With your recent comments on gold; you seem to be implicitly suggesting people to sell their gold, since there is a good...
The diamond market has never been close to the insane levels reached during the investment boom, which peaked in 1980. Diamonds entered a 37-year bear market, which...
Asia saw a dramatic 8.5% collapse today, and London began their session today looking at Asia. European futures were all obviously lower and did not look back from...
The more people open their minds and observe our model, the more their eyes open and begin to see the how the world economy is interconnected. Our model on the Dow...
Why have gold investors taken flight from gold as it falls from grace? The sophistry that has fueled gold is being exposed. The gold promoters spun their latest...
German Federal Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, envisions that the Euroland has to assume control to relieve the local politicians of the need to raise taxes...
A very serious issue in banking has arisen that bears watching. Our model has been warning is that the bankers are losing control of government and are now becoming...