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COMPLEXITY – Key to Reality

COMMENT: Marty, you called for a pop in the Euro and I then see a slight pop in gold and decline in the Dow. Everything really is connected. Thank you so much for...

Democrat Claims Global Warming Will Turn Women into Prostitutes

You really could not make this up for nobody would believe such an argument. But California Democrat Barbara Lee this week introduced  a resolution in the House of...

Google Loses Court Case in UK Over Privacy

  Google lost a case in UK where people want to sue them for tracking their surfacing habits. This is one thing that should be...

LA Weekly Review the FORECASTER

By Chris Packham The story of espionage and duplicity that financial adviser Martin Armstrong relates in Marcus Vetter’s documentaryThe Forecaster is as...

Monarchy Making a Come-Back

  Monarchy is making a come-back. Yep. Can it really be any worse that politicians for sale to the highest bidder?  One person v 400 corrupt lawyers may not...

Press Hard At Work To Eliminate Your Freedom

  Well the Press is fully in bed with government and are advocating eliminating cash because someone broke into an ATM. Using this logic, we should all walk...

DEA Sex Parties – Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work & Then Some

The latest scandal is the DEA sex parties. Let me state this right now. EVERY drug dealer who had serious cash in NYC federal prison stated bluntly the amount of...

The Cowards In Charge – Here We Go Again

  It comes as no surprise that those in charge of government NEVER learn from the past. They actually once again admit they always want to go to war, but never...

Markets in Review

The reaction rally in the markets appears to be unfolding on schedule. From the broader perspective, a corrective process in equities will send the residual cash...

The FORECASTER – London Sold Out

  We really have no control over the movie. We are not involved in ticket sales etc. London sold out. Sorry we have no tickets. The reception has been amazing....