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China kicking Obama’s Ass

Obama will go down as perhaps the worst President at least since 1900 if not ever. He has torn apart the entire fabric of world peace and whoever has made any...

IMF Tried to keep Floor on Interest Rates at 0.5%

  Tthe IMF said it is introducing a floor of 0.05 percent for the interest rate on Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). The IMF’s move shows how global...

The War on Cash

I reported that the French now require banks to report to the government financial police anyone depositing or withdrawing €10,000 over one month. The United...

State Department Covering Up for Hillary

  There is little doubt that the State Department has been deliberately covering up for Hillary the existence of her private emails. The timeline of their...

Former IRS Employees Can Still Access Your Personal Tax Info

To all those people who think it’s OK for the government to collect data for they have nothing to hide, well beside the reports that staff at the NSA wrote...

Link to be Sent to Those Signed Up for Live Broadcast Event

  We will be sending the link and password to those signed up for the live broadcast event. You will access the stream through this site. We are setting up the...

A Reason to be Optimistic

 While confronting the fact that we are in a terrible downward spiral with a major Sovereign Debt Crisis which cannot be prevented because we are plagued by total...

Learning to Love

In studying the origin of pensions, it all traced back to the marriage contract. What jumps out at you in this research we are soon to publish, is also at odds with...

France Really Going After Everyone With Money

France is calling it “low-cost terrorism” and are using the the recent attacks that they claim did not cost very much the reason to now track movement...

This Time it’s Different

While we have recorded history back to inception and reconstructed the monetary system of the world with interest rates, commodity prices, and labor costs along...