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The Coming Ice Age – Not Global Warming

  One fact the Global Warming Con-Artists will not tell you is that mankind collectively accounts for only about 5% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. There is no...

Jumping to Conclusions

QUESTION: Good morning Marty, For the Solutions Conference I have to ask… if for lack of money we are to dismantle the Government’s social programs, then...


COMMENT: Marty, you were the first to report that there was a State of Emergency in Frankfurt ahead of the media. I find this very curious for what does this say...

The Man Destroying the Republican Party

Boehner’s New Strategy: Enlist Democrats First, Not Last The man who will split the Republican Party is none other than John Boehner. He is the Game Show Host...

The Fed – Rates – Objectives

  U.S. stocks rallied on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve suggested a less aggressive timeline for raising interest rates even as it opened the door for the...

Evolutionary Process of Labor

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your evolutionary process of labor from agriculture to skilled labor fascinating. This is indeed why unions destroy jobs rather...

Time to Get the Debate Moving

QUESTION: Marty; I am anxious to listen to your Solution’s Conference. This is amazing it will be seen worldwide live. I know few firms that can do a live...

ECB Riots Trash Frankfurt Turning into War Zone

  The violent protests downtown Frankfurt simply paralyzed the city. Barricades were burning everywhere and at least 90 policemen were injured. The city of...

The Euro Bounce

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Those in the industry call you the “legend” and indeed you come out and say the Euro will bounce and it immediately moves. You...

State of Emergency in Frankfurt ECB Protests

  This entire experiment with the Euro is literally going down in...