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Stock Market & Bonds During the 1980s

  The DAX is making this type of breakout whereas the Dow is crawling sideways along resistance. It is not quite ready for prime time. That does not  preclude the...

This Market Will Begin When Gentlemen Prefer Stocks to Bonds

QUESTION: “You do not see the stock market peak with the bottom in rates. That has NEVER happened even once”. So the new highs in the global stock...

Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates not Lower

QUESTION:   I’m just wondering how the stock markets can go up into a rapid bubble in 2015 -17, if the bonds are going to collapse in Oct. of ’15? do...

IBM using BitCoin Technology – Leveraging the World

COMMENT: Hi Martin, This one might interest you, as it is exactly what you told us that is coming:...

It is Always Dependent upon Perspective

The arrogance of some who confuse pollution with the power to alter the cycles of the universe is truly beyond description. This video puts it all in perspective...

Money – Electronic & Debasement

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all you have done, your blog is amazing.   I have a question (well many but will only ask one).  Will electronic...

Writing a Bill for Congress

QUESTION: Marty; did I hear correctly in your interview with Glen Downs that you are writing a bill to eliminate debt to be introduced to Congress? DB ANSWER:...

Debt & Reserve Currency

QUESTION: Marty, Would nations still issue debt in the reserve currency or their local currency? If countries issued debt in the reserve currency, wouldn’t...

Fiat and the Abuse of Using This Term

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong People seem to just equate any non commodity form of money as being fiat. But fiat means a value dictated by government. There seems to be a...

Default or Restructure

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, I was reading your blog posting on, “Real Estate 15yr v 30yr Mortgage & New Electronic Currency Coming” and you state that...