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Greek Bank Run Begins

The BBC is reporting that the Greece debt crisis is now leading to a Greek bank run as people clamor to hoard cash in the face of the Eurozone refusing any bailout...

Playing the Reversals

QUESTION: Hello Martin. some weeks ago you said the Euro has to break through the 1,15 Level to test at the very best the 1,20 . Is this over now and confirmed that...

Greece Wakes Up – It is About Democracy

The Eurozone, or Euroland, is now getting ready to deal with a Greek debt default next week after refusing to extend credit following Prime Minister Alexis...

Myth of Common Law Marriage

While the number of people living together without getting married has nearly doubled since 1981 due to a fear of the legal obligations of marriage, there remains a...

There is No Sanctity of Family Recognized by Law

COMMENT: Thank you. I never look at the fact that you need government approval to even get married. This shows indeed how much they have altered society....

There is No “Right” to Marry

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I have practiced law for more than 30 years. You are correct in saying it changes with the whims of judges. That defeats the very idea that...

Supreme Court Upholds Same Sex Marriage

There is probably no other decision that could stir the fires in the Republican Party to further the SPLIT than this decision, despite the fact that it is legally...

Boehner, Mr. Government – Anti “We The People”

John Boehner is by far the most ruthless head of the Republican Party perhaps in history. He runs the Hill as Speaker in full dictator mode. The effort to actually...

Three Terrorist Attacks Today in France, Kuwait, & Tunisia

The rise in extremism in the Middle East is becoming more widespread with the clash between Sunni (ISIS extremists) and the Shi’ite. In France, another...