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Everything is Complexity = Strength

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was reading Wired and then I read your example of three states of government. I suddenly realized you discovered something that was...

Manspreading Now a Criminal Offense in NYC

Two men have already been arrested in NYC for the newest crime of all – “Manspreading”. “New York, New York” – it sounds so nice in a...

Back Testing the Arrays

Here is the Array compile January 9, 1980. We can see that this picked January 21 as the high with a back to back Directional Change. That morning, Gold opened up...

Obama’s Attempt at Dictatorship Blocked

Obama’s treasonous attempt to strip Congress of all power and to vest all power in the Executive has been blocked today. This was a major accomplishment for...

Following E-mail Notifications Are Down

Our site is undergoing maintenance which may prevent users from receiving e-mail updates. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working diligently to rectify...

Market Talk

Late headlines yesterday from the IMF spooked early trade in Europe, which saw support for core debt markets. But this “will they, won’t they” (or should I...

Government & God – Obama Threatens the Vatican

Anyone who thinks government respects religion had better stop watching sports and drinking too much. There is a whole different reality waiting for you. Obama...

Private Money

Private money has ALWAYS emerged during periods of crisis. The Feuchtwanger Cent was a “German silver” private token coin. German silver is a term for...

Cops Shutdown Girl’s Lemonade Stand for No Permit

The Texas sisters Andria, 8, and Zoey Green, 7, wanted to raise about $100 to take their dad to Splash Kingdom as a Father’s Day present, so they set up a...

2015 World Economic Conferences

We have begun preparing the handouts for the 2015 World Economic Conference (WEC). We will focus on the best trading opportunities moving forward. We just opened...