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The Bubble-Gum Economy

COMMENT: Marty, your bubble-gum analogy is brilliant. You are correct, They cannot manage anything. REPLY: Most politicians are lawyers who know only how to write...

Happy Valentine’s Day

  Shame it never works on...

Gold – Dollar – Reality

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, its seems rather clear that for the last 30 years you would have been far better off just buying stocks rather than gold. I do not...

Any Document Older than 180 days You Have Abandoned for Legal Purposes

Just why does government want to read everything you have ever written? They are obsessed with collecting data on everyone exactly as if this was George...

The Dow & the Upside

  The Dow closed above a minor Weekly Bullish today. We still see this general consolidation pattern in play. The first real resistance level remains at the...

Greeks will NOT Negotiate with the Troika Just EU, ECB, & IMF?

i Politicians are the same everywhere. The new Greek government will now negotiate but they will not by any means do so with the hated Troika. Instead, they will...

Plagiarism Risks Everything

  COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing that you seem to be the major source for trends and ideas. You may be the most plagiarized analyst or forecaster in history....

Gold – State of the Market

The World Gold Council’s annual demand trends study for 2014 are out and they show that there has been a very painful readjustment for the gold market after a...

The Minsk Agreement on Ukraine – Putin’s Victory

In the Belarusian capital Minsk representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the rebels from the Donbass signed a 13-point agreement on a ceasefire and other measures to...

The Schengen Agreement Starting to be Circumvented

The cornerstone of the EU was to be the freedom of movement to create the United States of Europe. This became known as the Schengen Agreement to the create a...