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We will soon release Phase One of Socrates this month as was demonstrated at the Solution Conference. Yes, it has taken longer than expected but we had to be sure...

American Pharoah – First Triple Crown Winner Since 1978 on a 8.6 Frequency

Believe it or not, I was at a family gathering and overheard some relatives discussing the Triple Crown. They said no one had won since 1978. I did the wave math in...

“The Forecaster” in Germany

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I just flew from Germany this week on Lufthansa. Looking for movies in the movie section, I found the The Forecaster movie. To my surprise, it...

The European Bond Crash

The turmoil in the European bond market has demonstrated that the theory interest rates will not rise and are in control of central banks is dead wrong. Despite...

“The Forecaster” VOD Screening Open June 5-15 – Now Available in Switzerland

“The Forecaster” is now available for the first time in Switzerland and Australia. For the next week, a VOD screening of the movie will be available...

Money, Credit, Debt, and Derivatives

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; Reading through you blog it seems the chronology of money begins with derivatives, credit/debt, and barter with coinage coming in much later...

Office in China

COMMENT:  Hey Marty, After spending several weeks in China I am now in Hanoi. I was not able to use any American e-mail service in China. Also, any western...

Outlook for the Dow

The Dow may have established a temporary high in May on our turning point. We have seen three Daily Bearish Reversals elected from the May 19 high and now support...

Retail Gold Sales Dropping Rapidly

COMMENT: Marty, I just got back from Madrid. I looked around for a place that sold gold. I could not find one. This is indeed very curious. Cheers LW REPLY: There...