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We Apologize for Interruptions

The site content has grown huge and the database manager is crashing from time to time. We are working on the problem and expanding the site. This will take some...

Why Jury Decisions Reflect the View of Government

The most famous trial where a jury stood up refusing to find the defendant guilty in the face of a corrupt government, was that of William Penn, the founder of...

Defense Department Exempt From Providing Any Accounting

Part of the 9/11 conspiracy, exposed on September 10, 2001, is an unexplained $2.3 trillion missing from the Defense Budget. The plane that struck the Pentagon (if...

The Constitution – A Lawyer’s Perspective

COMMENT: Martin, Excellent, refreshing review of the enactment and enforcement of legislation under the Constitution; your blog entry should be taught in grammar...

The Right to Notice, Ignored by Government

You cannot be found guilty unless you KNOWINGLY violated the law. The way they get around this is they PRESUME you KNOW the law. The millions of laws they...

Administrative Law Judge Confirm Corruption Inside CFTC Courts

There are those who may think I criticize the courts too much, or that the Administrative Legal System corruption may be a personal opinion. Now, even the Commodity...

Judge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal After 81 Years

Well it has been a long time coming, but all along there have been discussions behind closed doors (never in public) that the Administrative Law Courts established...

Market Talk

Interesting day all around… European bonds are weaker from the opening rumors of unwinding the yen carry trade as a result of the stronger JPY (on Abe’s...

We Apologize For Delays – We Are Expanding Once Again

We are migrating the site once again. The content and traffic have grown beyond the capacity of the system to handle. We are working as hard as possible to improve...

Princeton World Economic Conference: Seating Reopened

We now have a headcount for the U.S. session of the World Economic Conference and those who have moved to the Berlin Session. This leaves less than about 50 seats...