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2015 World Economic Conference – Berlin

Both conferences will include special reports on the share markets and precious metals, as well as the bond markets. Because European VAT Tax is applied to...

2015 World Economic Conference – Princeton

Please note, we sent out emails to everyone who is registered for the Princeton WEC (Princeton only) with conference details and instructions on submitting balance...

Gold & Stuttgart

QUESTION: At Stuttgart you said gold coins would be one asset people could use against the banks and that there is some seasonal high. Could you explain that a bit...

Speaking in Warsaw Tonight

I will be speaking tonight in Warsaw in the center of town for the debut of “The Forecaster” in...

The Crisis in Democracy – Debt & Electronic Money

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Would you be able to clarify the risks with having just an electronic money system – it would seem that any electronic system would be...

Couple Faces 15 Years in Prison For Having Sex on Beach

Well, a couple now faces 15 years in prison for having sex on the beach in Florida, which was romantic in “The Thorn Birds” and is the name of a...

Australian Banks Win Behind the Curtain?

The Australian government is extremely left wing, even among the Conservatives. Nevertheless, the Australian budget for 2015 has been leaking out little by...

Gordon Brown Adopts Marx’s Theory – Eliminating Cash Will Eliminate the Boom and Bust Cycle

James Gordon Brown is a British politician who was the Prime Minister from June 2007 to May 2010 of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Gordon...

Creating the Bond Bubble – Role of the Stock Market

All over the place they are touting that the stock market will crash and burn. Indeed, when you say there is a coming crash, everyone immediately assumes that means...

The Euro & the Press

Typical. The European press is claiming that the euro decline is over, and a Greece default will not harm Europe. This seems to be the standard propaganda from...