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International VOD Screening April 30th – May 6th

VOD SCREENING of “The Forecaster” will be April 30th to May...

World Economic Conference in Berlin – Now Open For Reservations

We are no longer taking reservations at this time for the 2015 Princeton World Economic Conference in New Jersey. We have exceeded 500-person capacity. However,...

FACTA from the British View – Are you an American?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Just opening a new bank account in the UK, and one of the questions is “Are you a US citizen?” ANSWER: Those in government cannot...

Greece Has Done All it Could – Final Days Approach

The Greece crisis started precisely on the turning point for the Sovereign Debt Crisis to the day from our original projection in 1985. It was just amazing to watch...

The War on Cash

The “War on Cash” is heating up. Louisiana has outlawed paying cash for second hand goods, under the pretense that criminals sell stolen goods for cash....

Judges and Cops Fail to Prosecute Their Own – Judge Richard Owen is “Above the Law”

Judge Richard Owen Appointed to Bench by Richard Nixon Judge Owen – Dementia Police misconduct is everywhere and nobody seems willing to prosecute any...

When Did I Become Wealthy?

COMMENT:  Martin, your recent post makes me wonder when did I become “one of them rich people”? We have a family business, it’s no glamour job, I...

Can Europe be Saved?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find it truly enlightening that you told the European Commission from the outset this idea of the euro would fail because of a faulty...

Inequality of Wealth

1904 View of Standard Oil During the Progressive Era around 1910, the Marxist view of the world was all about the massive wealth of the very rich like Rockefeller....

IMF Reports Warn of Financial Instability – Low Interest Rates Will Be Our Doom

While people argue over fractal banking and derivatives, the dark clouds on the horizon are approaching from an entirely different direction. A virtual secret...