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90 Yr-Old Threatened with 60 days in Jail For Feeding Homeless People

When I say that the laws in the USA have simply gone nuts, this is really an understatement to say the least. A reader from London contributed this article. The...

Youth Should Work For Free – Bank of Canada Recommends

What is seriously being overlooked here around the world politically is we are dealing with a revolution of the youth as a consequence of the collapse in Marxism....

Pound v Euro – Should Britain Just Leave? Is the Euro a Doomed Currency?

The European Union will hit Britain with punitive fines of £90 million next year if David Cameron refuses to pay a £1.7 billion bill from Brussels. If Cameron...

The ECM and a 1,000 different flavors

  QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, based on your work on capital flows I assume there excist different ECM’s for different regions. How detailed do you...

Dow – Actual v Theorectical

QUESTION: Marty, Could you please Clarify? On Oct 31, based on stock charts, the DOW closed at 17390.52, ABOVE the September high of 17297 and intraday high of...

Republican Sweeping Victory Taking Senate – A Prelude to 2016?

Republicans rode a growing wave of voter discontent during the midterm election winning the control of the Senate literally punishing the Democrats for even...

The Fall of Rome was Preceded by the Collapse in the Rule of Law – Pattern Recognition

I have gotten a lot of emails about my comment on how intelligence is really created by the ability to comprehend pattern recognition. If you want to understand...

Draghi – Negative Interest Rates pass-on by German Banks

Those in government maintain a completely delusional view of the world which is the central part of the crisis that we face. Everyone else pays the price for it and...

Political Forecasts 2014 Senate Race

Because we are providing that forecast to paid clients we cannot provide that info at this time. What we can show is that the projections indicated the Republicans...

Judges are Free to Take Your Liberty For Anything – Didn’t Cut your Lawn – Jail Time!

It is just amazing how there is no respect for human rights and the sanctity of LIBERTY in the United States any more. There just has to be a serious overhaul of...