We will be holding the Fall World Economic Conference in the States in Princeton, New Jersey the weekend of November 7th and 8th. We are in the process to trying to...
For the first time since 2008, banks are rushing into government Treasuries (PUBLIC) holdings faster than corporate/consumer loans (PRIVATE). Bank portfolio...
QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, there are those who advocate that banks simply cannot ever lend beyond the liquidation value of its assets and that if the bank is...
The 2007.15 Peak in the ECM set in motion a profound sea-change within the economy on many levels. It was the beginning of the decline in economic power of the West...
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Your identification and differentiation of relationship vs transactional banking in understanding the corruption of the banking system...
One of the most abusive aspects of our legal system is the contempt of court. This is where judges claim the power to be a medieval king and just send you to prison...
Brussel’s sheer stupidity in pushing Greece to pay debts nobody else honors is absolute madness. The proposal we set forth at the Solution Conference...
A number of emails have come in and all seem to be astonished that there is more than one type of financial crisis. Not even the famous Tulip Crisis was domestic....
QUESTION: Marty, in your piece about banking are you suggesting that fractional banking is not the issue it is the shift from relationship banking to transactional...