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Something Is Dangerously Wrong at the New York Fed

In a speech this week, New York Federal Reserve Board President William Dudley addressed pervasive misconduct within the financial industry, refusing...

Why Goldman Sachs & Blackstone Are Becoming So Hated in Europe

Goldman Sachs and Blackstone are private equity investors buying up rental property in Madrid. About 13,000 household were told their rents would not increase. Now...

The Growing Concern of Home-Grown Terrorits

They are saying that the attack in Canada was because it was supporting the USA is sending troops to fight against ISIS. Canada did pass a bill to launch combat...

Dow Jones Industrial For the Week 10/20/2014

Today we need a closing ABOVE 16660 to show some neutrality. Friday was the main target for this week. Exceeding the Wed high yesterday set the tome for a possible...

The Muslim Radical Fear Hitting Western Governments after Canada

The attack inside the Canadian Parliament by a radicalized Muslim born in Montreal has sent shivers down the spin of Western governments in Europe and America based...

Once a Government Program Starts – It Never Ends

World War II created the vast military-complex. Once that was created, they used the threat of Communism to expand. Indeed, Communism was the battle cry for both...

Man Made Climate Change is a Fraud

I have stated all along that this is total bogus nonsense about global warming cause by man. This theory is concocted by people who are either totally a fraud used...

Dow Jones Industrials 10-24-2014

  We rallied right up into Wednesday testing the convergence of overhead resistance and will now most likely return to retest support into Friday. The bulk of...

Danger of Conspiracy Theories

  If you want to hide something in plain view, exaggerate it to the point it becomes extreme and convert it to a conspiracy theory. This is a very standard in...

Obama May go down as Worst President in History

It is interesting to watch how the Democrats try to distance themselves from Obama. He may go down as the absolute worst president in history. One has to ask was...