One does not have to be religious to find ancient texts that are curiously interesting advice with regard to history and economics. Of course the Ten...
The border is closing rapidly. First it was FATCA hunting Americans with any assets overseas whatsoever. Now just two days after taking charge of the...
In ancient times, whenever there was a rise in war or political uncertainty, the human reaction was to hoard money. The hoard of ancient Roman coins 3rd century we...
There was a Free Money Experiment that revealed some interesting aspects of human nature. Essentially, as nuts as it may sound, everyone who needed money would...
COMMENT: Martin, thank you again for all your great work. The greatest fear I have is for my children. The rampant corruption I see everywhere in the United States...
Just in case if you have not seen this, Big Bang is clearly in play. The dominoes are starting to fall! Obviously, bearish for the Euro broader-term, but will be...
There is little doubt that we live in interesting times. However, it is not always doom and gloom. What you have to understand is there will never be any change or...
Despite the optimism that China will be the land of the future, that will be true long-term, but there are still in the growing-pain stage. The People’s Bank...
While the Democrats are ranting that 8 million people will be thrown off of healthcare with the repeal of Obamacare as the House voted 239-186 to repeal this...
As we move into 2015.75, American job losses during the Great Recession 2007-2011 have been erased, but long-term joblessness remains much higher than when Obama...