QUESTION: Martin Do you mean only on a federal level? Would people’s home mortgage be wiped away? I would think not but if it’s a true reset who knows...
Comments are now coming in from those in central banks and governments, which ones I will not mention. They can see the proposition, but ask how can we actually...
New Poll in USA shows the American people see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama himself. This is what I have been saying. There is NO...
COMMENT: I watched the Solution Conference and your explanation of two monetary systems being barter and representative was insightful. I can see why the goldbugs...
COMMENT: Marty, I watched the Solution Conference with my son who is 18. While I at first thought it was a restatement of what you have been saying in different...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to say your proposal is brilliant. I fear most people will not grasp what you put forth because they are confined in their...
I would like to thank everyone for participating. This event may have been the largest financial conference in history with more than 5,000 attending from 47...
Politicians are simply insane. They do not consider that they have squandered the people’s money and in fact they are the problem. All they ever do is...
COMMENT: Marty, you called for a pop in the Euro and I then see a slight pop in gold and decline in the Dow. Everything really is connected. Thank you so much for...