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So What Was the ECM September 2014 Turning Point?

  The 2014.675 turning point in the Economic Confidence Model seems to have pinpoint the shift in capital flows. The US dollar is rising and this may yet move...

Plight of Germany – Down For the Count?

When the final epitaph is written on the decline and fall of Germany, how will it review Merkel? With fond memories or the catalyst of doom? In the background of...

Canada Warns its Citizens Not to Take Cash to USA

The Canadian government has had to warn its citizens not to carry cash to the USA because the USA does not presume innocence but guilt when it comes to money. Over...

Sunni v Shiite Civil War in Islam – Drawing The World Into Another Crusade – Precise with War Cycle

We are preparing a special report on the Middle East with the various currencies and share markets combined with the Energy Markets. There are tremendous aspects of...

Hunt for Taxes Target Corporations

The world economy is imploding faster than anyone suspects. Governments cannot get it through their thick skulls that they consume money – they do not create...

Why US Regulators Cannot Be Trusted

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, how do you explain away even the big corporations involved in manipulating markets like the Sumitomo copper manipulation that the company...

You Did Not Need to be Scottish to Count Votes

Well sometimes a little digging works just fine. After discovering the residency only qualification for a right to vote, the logical assumption would be that the...

Catalonia Vows to Move Toward Separation from Spain WIth Vote November 9th

The Catalonia region of northeastern Spain whose capital is Barcelona, is preparing to make a breakaway from Spain largely on the same issues of corruption and...

How To Rig An Election in UK – And Anywhere Else for that Matter

Watch on YouTube Stalin was Absolutely Right – Votes Mean Nothing – Elections are decided by those who count. There goes the future of Scotland. This...

Pension Funds Being Taken TO Fund Infrastructure

The G20 Central Bankers and Finance Ministers met in Cairns, Australia, Sept 21st, 2014. This Summit reflects the attitudes about manipulating the economy where...