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Gold – The Downside

  The Gold “POP” our computer pinpointed was right on schedule. We even managed to get the day of the high. Now gold has fallen to 1146 intraday...

The Euro for the Close & Dollar Rally Against Swiss

  We have a shot that today may provide a temporary low for the Euro. We do have a Daily Bearish Reversal at 10546. So far the Euro has fallen to 10510. As you...

Gold & a Rally for $40,000 By Year-End? Come on!

COMMENT: Marty, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your work. I lost more than half of my savings following the goldbugs. I saw the light and sold on this...

Rothschilds – Fact or Disinformation to Protect the Guilty

  The conspiracy promoters are just not satisfied with the fact that we are screwed and perhaps nobody is in charge to stop or push anything. The days of the...

Using Pollution to Manufacture “Climate Change”

  Massive chunks of ice have come on shore at Cape Cod. The Global Warming nut-jobs are attributing this too to “Climate Change” caused by man. The...

Politicians are Just Politicians

Hillary has refused to turn over the server for her emails claiming there are personal emails on there with her husband. Yet Bill Clinton has claimed before he...

The Euro Cracks 107

The Euro has crashed and burned and all the silencing of forecasters has not saved the day for Brussels. Without a MAJOR structural REFORM, the Euro will be dead on...

Sovereign Debt Crisis on Steroids

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First thank you so much for sharing with us your views of how the world really functions. While there are the typical conspiracy...

Movie Trailer

  The film is now beginning to appear in theaters starting April. It has been produced now in eight languages for the widest possible coverage internationally....

The Forecaster Got a Rating of 8.4 out of 10

  The FORECASTER has received an 8.4 out of 10 rating by IMDb. This is our best shot at waking up the silent majority into seeing the world perhaps in a...