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Scottish Chaos? Should I Stay or Should I go?

It is very interesting to see the numerous emails pouring in from Scotland and England. Even in Scotland there is a strong left-wing socialist factor that has their...

Scotland – A Brave Heart Moment – FREEDOM

  QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, Firstly may I congratulate you on what looks like another spot on forecast regarding the Scottish independence. I am Scottish and...

Japan GDP Collapses 7.1% After Tax Increase – OOPS!

Often I get nasty emails from socialists who just want to raise taxes on the rich to punish them for having more than they do. Sorry, an honest correlation between...

Scottish Vote Scares London

We have been warning that the Scottish separation was something to take seriously since the Berlin Conference in 2012. Now suddenly the polls are showing Scotland...

Low to Negative Interest Rates Force Investment in Private Assets – the Cycle Inversion

Perhaps the most perplexing aspect of the current equity trend that is not well understood has been the development of private investment by governments. Strangely...

Investors Now Paying Germany Premiums to Hold their Cash

Anyone who questions when I began warning that interest rates would go negative, well that day has arrived. Investors are now paying Germany to park their money. At...

Modern Version of Counterfeiting Currency During Time of War

The justification for war has been escalated where NATO now considers it legitimate to respond to a large-scale cyber attack on a Member State with military force....

Understanding the 3 Faces of Nationalism

Nationalism is not unique to any country, yet it is a very important aspect to analyze in the field of political-economy. There are different types of nationalism...

Russia Demands Ukrainian Troops Withdraw – US Sends in Troops

US Troops have headed into Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Eastern Europe is moving into a real crisis as many countries including Poland fear Russia. Belarus and...

Are Markets Manipulated All the Time?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Some people say you will not admit markets are manipulated all the time. Yet you stood up and had all the evidence that would have damned...