Previously I have warned that the DAX would press higher as the object of capital flight within Europe. The problem we are facing is that the DAX could...
One of the lesser know government programs to come out of the 2007-2011 ECM Downturn, is the Home Affordable Refinance Plan (HARP), HARP could still benefit...
The argument that there was a conspiracy between the USA and Saudi Arabia to lower the price of oil to hurt Russia is proving to be a bunch of nonsense.The...
Well Putin must have figured a way to send the cold Siberian Winds over the top of the globe through Canada and all the way down into Florida where it fell to even...
While Greece captures the headlines, quietly behind the curtain the European Commission has granted France until 2017 to bring its budget deficit below the EU limit...
The new Marxist Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has warned Germany to respect his nation’s sovereignty as proposed bailout reforms go in front of the...
Two questions about real estate have been asked by many people: 1. Do you think it is wise now to buy a house and get hooked on a mortgage knowing that 2015.75 is...
When the US was justifying the removal of the leaders of Iraq and Libya, they said they were dictators there for 30 years+. I asked, how many Senators were...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have perhaps the most educational site on the web for those of us trying to figure out the economy. I appreciate your unbiased...
The movie just played to sold-out venues in Croatia. I did some press interviews there and the tone of the questions is exactly different from the United States. It...