More and more emails are starting to recognize that cycles are all about time. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity is one of the most ignored fundamentals...
Our original forecast for oil back in 1997 was that it should rise to reach the $100 level at least by 2007. We reached $99.29 in 2007 and then 2008 was a wild...
Some people have said I am too critical of government and that government is here to help us. The only thing that government is here to do is to help themselves to...
The Trading Money Center New York bankers did a brilliant sales job on policymakers, central bankers, and economists that the way to stabilize the world economy was...
The crisis in the Ruble is of course being portrayed as a Western plot to destroy Russia. The Council of Ministers of Belarus has issued a directive imposing an...
Well despite all the hate mail, accusations, threats, and bad-mouthing not to mention the silent-treatment, gold continues to reflect the real deflationary...
A few people have asked what is my source for Prima Noctum since Wikipedia claims it is a myth. Sorry, but Wikipedia is seriously wrong in this department for the...
Philadelphia prosecutors agreed Thursday to halt efforts to seize the homes of two of the lead plaintiffs in a widely publicized federal suit challenging the...