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HSBC Geneva Raided

  The BBC is reporting that that the police have raided HSBC Geneva. In New York, bankers still walk on water. Not sure how the US got this bad or why the...

The Movie & Europe

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I will be in Europe (Switzerland) March and April. Too bad I will miss the Berlinale. Please advise how I can find out where the movie will...

Entropy – ENERGY & More

QUESTION: Hi Marty…as a long time reader and communicator of your work and with you, ive learnt a great deal since 2008/09 when i first picked up your...

What Makes me Tick? Good Question!

QUESTION: Martin, I’d like to ask you a somewhat personal question if you don’t mind (and I’m sure many readers would be interested too). The vast majority of...

It is How you Interpret Laws that Counts

I have warned that government can take any law and create absolute tyranny. It is all how you interpret and enforce a law and between far too many new police, they...

How FATCA is Destroying the World Economy & Americans

The horror stories from Americans around the world are just unbelievable. The IRS and FATCA are hunting people everywhere. This is part of the Decline & Fall of...

Canada & Bitcoin

QUESTION: Hi Marty  Is The Forecaster playing anywhere near Vancouver, BC? Have your thoughts on bitcoin changed at all? We are opening up in Brazil shortly....

Universe without Singularities

There is another group who have attempted to argue against the theory of Big Bang and what I explained would be the Big Crunch. The entire problem in the theory is...

JP Morgan Chase the Riskiest Bank in USA?

Reuters is reporting that JPMorgan Chase & Co bears the highest potential hazard to the financial system among all US banks. JP Morgan Chase has the highest...

The Dow Outlook

  The Dow made a new high today above last week. It is still in the sideways mode with the key resistance in the 18500-18600 level. Energy models are not at...