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Why I Old Buy Old Cars

The Climate Zealots are intent upon ending the Industrial Revolution, for most are just brainwashed fools, as illustrated by throwing soup on major oil paintings,...


PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & War Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Moderna combining COVID with Flu Vaccine – BEWARE

  We seriously need MAJOR political reform. Anyone who supports the absolute immunity for the Pharmaceutical Industry should be removed from office –...

Democrats Destroying the United States – Here Comes the Recession

The stats are in, revealing that Biden has flooded the nation with over 6.4 million illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S., bringing the total to now 13.7...

Biden Simplying Taxes to Cover his $7.5 Trillion Budget

According to leaked sources, Biden’s new simplified income-tax form to fund World War III and his Proposed $7.5 trillion budget will be revised, containing...

When Religion Attacks Itself

Religion has always influenced economics and geopolitical events. For nearly two hundred years, the emperors of the Eastern Roman Empire, known as Byzantium, had...

Who was Francis Scott Key?

With the bridge debacle, the name Francis Scott Key has been a topic of controversy. Francis Scott Key was an American poet, author, and lawyer from Frederick,...

Good Friday & It’s History

One of my more interesting trips was to Jerusalem for Easter one year. You walk the streets of this ancient city, and they have marked the Stations of the Cross for...