A gunman attacked the government buildings in Austin, Texas on Thanksgiving night. Downtown residents were awaken to gunfire as a lone gunman appears to have shot...
The debut of the movie the Forecaster was an amazing success. Everyone is clamoring to show the film around the world. It may debut in Russia before...
Governments are pretty much brain-dead in their vain attempts to manipulate the economy. They think that lowering interest rates will “stimulate” the...
The Swiss referendum will be the this weekend to prevent the central bank from selling its gold. While Swiss sources say this is really about a protest against the...
The following notice was sent out by EBay warning people that the IRS is matching records now between internet companies to make sure you pay taxes on selling any...
Four firms have been named in a lawsuit that was filed in the most corrupt court in the nation – the Southern District of New York where judges are free to...
It is amazing that the RSS feed to this site has suddenly been changed and it now removes the name Armstrong Economics replacing it with Word Press. This is a...
The EU President Jean-Claude Juncker has announced a €315 bn investment scheme is yet another attempt to try to kick-start the economy claiming this will create...
Here begins the Bond Bubble. The ECB will buy sovereign debt itself. This really makes little sense insofar as economics. Just print the money and stop...
In the US city of Ferguson many buildings and cars were destroyed in the face of violence. Currently there is the National Guard in the city. In seven US cities...