QUESTION: Sir, Thank you so much for sharing your insights via your website. I only recently discovered it and devour the writings daily. In the interest of full...
The turmoil within Europe over this austerity policy is reaching astronomical proportions. This crazy failure to comprehend that you cannot raise taxes and increase...
Gulf Arab oil states may need to rethink longstanding economic policies, including their fixed exchange rates, over the next couple of years as economic cycles in...
COMMENT: Hi Martin Thank you so much for the ongoing education. It’s so refreshing to listen to the truth from a man with so much knowledge, and has no bias....
About 50% of the airfare you pay is often taxes. It does appear to be illegal for airlines to advertise fares that don’t include government taxes: H.R. 4156...
For all those who have inquired are there coins available of the Gallic Empire that split away from Rome? Yes. We have put together a set of four of the main...
QUESTION: Martin You have really added dimensions to my thinking. Thank you very much. One thing that continues to puzzle me is how empire’s die and...
The BIG BANG World Economic Conference will be hold later October/Early November 2015 in Princeton, New Jersey. Seating will be limited. We are asking...
This DVD is a 90 minute version of the 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference with Martin Armstrong. At this conference, Martin discusses the...