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2015 World Economic Conference will be End of October

  The BIG BANG World Economic Conference will be hold later October/Early November 2015 in Princeton, New Jersey. Seating will be limited. We are asking...

Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis 90 Minute DVD

This DVD is a 90 minute version of the 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference with Martin Armstrong. At this conference, Martin discusses the...

Cops Going After Kids Shoveling Snow – They Want Their Cut

  Ok – believe it or not, this really shows how the new younger generation of police are anti-society and just insanely pro-government beyond common...

Computer Maybe Right Again About 2016 Presidential Election

Our computer has been forecasting for decades now not just Big Bang will start 2015.75 that we all can see with interest rates at historic low levels matched only...

German Bond Auction a Disaster – Little Bid

Greek elections have dealt a serious blow to the confidence behind the Euro. The press has been touting the “official” position put out by Brussels to...

Understanding what propels the World Economy is mandatory to comprehend its Demise

Banking has existed for a long time. The idea of debt dates back to the ancient world, as evidenced for example by ancient Mesopotamian clay tablets recording...

Reservations Are Open for WEC Conference October 2015

  Princeton, New Jersey October 2015 First Come First Served (Yes the Cups Will be...

Bureaucrats Have Been Corrupt Since the Start

  The greatest problem with government is how it consumes capital until it kills the private sector. This has been the course of every government – power...

The Political Union of Europe Has Failed

The entire vision that a United States of Europe would prevent war has proven to be just another academic theory gone seriously wrong. Brussels has been fighting...

Greek Debt is Already Owned By Governments Mostly

About 80% of Greek Sovereign Debt is held officially by governments already in the EU. The proportion of the US National Debt held by governments is about 25%....