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Italy’s Version of the Patriot Act?

The Italian government is preparing to enact stronger anti-terrorism laws in the wake of the Paris attack. Our sources in Italy see this as an opportunity much like...

I am Charlie

The Islamic Radical attack on Charlie Hebdo, the satirical weekly magazine in France, has illustrated that we are entering this new age of the cycle of war thyat...

The Bond Bubble

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the amazing information you provide so freely. I have been trying to warn friends & family about the bond bubble...

Woe is Europe – Watch What Happens When Lawyers & Socialists Rule

QUESTION: Hi, Your call on this has been absolutely and impressively correct. You have said that  the Dollar is going to ‘vertigo and that the Euro is...

Are We Headed into Fascism?

Banks in the USA now are required to report any wire of $3,000 or more and any cash withdraw as well. If you want to withdraw $5,000 in cash, you have to now fill...

Hong Kong – A Bird of a Different Feather?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I have been reading your writings a few years already and am so inspired by your analysis and ECM model. I understand you mentioned many times...

The Euro In Free-Fall

  The Euro elected the Yearly Bearish Reversal at the 12150 area and it has penetrated the 2010 low so far of 11880 intraday reaching so far 11801. The key...

Politically Correct Analysis – The Lack of Freedom to Analyze

COMMENT: Marty; I was at your World Economic Conference in Berlin as was the central bank of ———. When it came to Greece, you stated back then...

Republicans Lay Seeds to Destroy Their Own Party – John Boehner’s Revenge

John Boehner secured his third term as speaker losing 25 votes on the House floor to really unknown members of the Republican Conference. Boehner is one of the...

The Fool’s Game

COMMENT: Marty, I believe I understand what you are saying about belief. There is no right or wrong, it is just the market. I can see you are correct. Markets move...