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Legalization of Marijuana Right on Schedule

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I know someone who attended your 1985 Conference in Princeton. He said you illustrated the huge volatility, and forecast there would be the...

Global Market Watch for May 7th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of May 7th, 2014. Global Market...

Putin & The Mouse that Roared?

  Putin’s hardball with the USA is paying off. His popularity has hit 82% in Russia – the envy of any Western politician. The attitude in Russia is...

Our Scalar Date System

What is a Scalar Date? The term scalars is used for real numbers  because they span the “scale of progression from positive to negative...

Gold for the Close

Gold rallied establishing the high on the classic 7th day. The Daily Bearish Reversal; to watch lies at 1285.60 on a nearest futures. A closing beneath 1295 will...

A Significant Change in Trend

The U.S. monthly international trade deficit decreased in March 2014 according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau. The deficit...

Geopolitical Chaos

Our Cycle of War has gathered countless emails asking how do we do this. It is hard to describe but everything is absolutely connected. To be correct on markets...

Global Market Watch for May 6th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of May 6th, 2014. Global Market...

Banks Close in Donetsk – A Lesson for the Rest of Us

What is happening in Donetsk is by the classic book on how to wipe out an economy. The banking system has shut down. The banks simply have said it is too dangerous...

Spring Maybe in the Air – But there is also the Scent of War

There seems to be a real hatred of Ukrainians building among the Russian extremists. On Facebook, there are forums with hit lists of Ukrainians to be...