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The Dow – Starting a Cycle Inversion?

  The golden rule of trading is just this – What goes sideways when it should move up or down, moves in the opposite direction even stronger. Where we...

Russia Building up Troops Inside and on the Border of Ukraine

Since the Western Leaders snubbed Putin, NATO has seen on Tuesday a serious Russian military buildup both inside Ukraine and on the Russian side of the border....

Daily Monitoring of Global Capital Flows Coming On Line

  We will be launching the visual world map of global capital flows that we are tracking each day. Proprietary feeds are up and running so now you will be able...

The Movie – the Forecaster – It’s About the Manipulations That Have Plagued Society which will Shock the World

I am off to Amsterdam to attend the premier of the Forecaster. My detractors “assume” this is a movie about “me”. I have not even seen the...

Site will be Down at most for 1 hr between midnight to 5am during the week between US & Asian Hours

The site will go down for 30 minutes to 1 hour for server maintenance which will occur during this week between 12:00 am and 5:00 am. We expect the estimated...

Russia Threatens US with Nuclear War

  Russia has continually sent signals to these Western leaders that it can wage nuclear war. Russia keeps sending bombers into strategic places that can take...

I Welcome Our New CEO – Ashley Warren

I am pleased to introduce Ashley Warren who has taken up the position of CEO of Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Ashley has the TRADING experience globally...

Polish Pension Funds Seized by Government – Who is Next?

Poland seized private pension funds and have mandated those money to be invested in government bonds last February. Beware – this is coming to a theater...

Political Upheaval is Worldwide – Poland Next

In Poland, here too we see a political upset in the wind. The opposite party of Jaroslaw Kaczynski is in a position to overthrow the Prime Minister. Around the...

Gold & Future – Looking Brighter?

The emails now favor those who are reformed gold “investors” with still some diehard believers in fiat, manipulations, and paper gold. Futures have...