The FDIC Insurance was raised from $100,000 to $250,000 in this last crisis in the USA. Sorry old habit. I should also state, that the major banking crisis is in...
Serious protests are start again in Athens, Greece. There are still the rising tension in Hong Kong where the protest leaders were just denied the right to fly to...
Governments are in DEEP trouble as socialism continues to implode (their OBLIGATION to take care of the people). At the last G20 they agreed to share info to assist...
The G20 Leaders’ Summit for 2014 is being held on November 15th and 16th in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The principal meeting venue will be the Brisbane...
The metals bottomed during the week of November 3rd on schedule. It now appears if we achieve that rally we outline in the International Precious Metals...
I greatly appreciate the complements calling me the father of analysis or variations on that theme. I am not the father of analysis any more than I manipulated the...
The legal system in the United States has collapsed into a horrible pretense of justice. On top of that, every law that is passed they include the standard...
The USA may not be as all-powerful as its tells its people or our politicians believe. For all the spying going on against American citizens to hunt them down for...