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London being Forced out of the EU?

The future of the City of London is under serious threat after the European Union’s highest court threw out a British legal challenge against plans for the new EU...

Europe & Hunting Black Money

COMMENT: hi Martin, This week I visited my local BNP Paribas bank in Belgium and had a brief chat with the manager. I told her I have an account at … from...

Lagarde’s IMF should be Outlawed – the Real Terrorist Organization

How does a lawyer get in charge of an economic institution? Easy – another lawyer appoints her. Lagarde, Obama’s crony, should be stripped of her...

Ukraine – The US & Russia Propaganda

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you so much for defending the people of Ukraine against those who claim we are just manipulated by the CIA. These people have no...

Reid’s Multinationals

  The corrupt Harry Reid has demanded that foreign entities must report on whatever any American does offshore. He has been supporting the hunting of small...

Ontario – Hiking Taxes on the Rich who are now C$150,000

We are in a global bull market for tax increases and this will help tremendously create the next severe economic contraction. Politicians around the world only see...

Global Market Watch – May 1st, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of May 1st, 2014. Global Market...

Behind the Curtain – Putin is Admired

Putin at least stands for what he truly believes in. That is far more than we find in Western Politicians. Most Western Politicians admire Putin for he is tough and...

Gold – Update

While the gold promoters continue to argue this is wrong and gold will soar to thousands of dollars, the trend is not yet ready for prime time. On a nearest futures...

US Share Market Update

  The Dow Jones Industrials have in no way made a major all-time high despite all the prognostications of a major crash. As stated at the World Economic...