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Protecting Russian Speaking People in Eastern Europe is to Protect Russia Itself

The proposition in Russia is that they must defend Russian speaking people living in the Eastern European former Soviet States. This is the justification for...

Is a Crash Inevitable? The Spiral Vortex of Debt and Corruption

QUESTION: Hi Marty I am somewhat concerned about the events unfolding in Nevada, the encroaching tyranny and the future. Sometimes you say that everything will...

May Elections in Europe may be a Joke – The Invasion of Euroskeptics May Have NO Power

The backlash against these Marxist Politicians that have dominated Europe will see the first sizable gains when citizens in the 28 European Union countries vote on...

World War III on the Horizon?

Russia and China are becoming closer thanks to Obama and his insane policies behind the NSA that have left America trying to find friends in a dark hour. The...

Pro-Russian “Tourists” Kill Man for Raising Ukrainian Flag

The Pro-Russian “tourists” have tortured to death a former policeman from the town of Gorlivka (300,000 inhabitants) because HE CHANGED FLAGS OF THE...

The Complexity of War & Debt – a New Factor Entirely

  The title of the next book that needs to be written is not War & Peace, but War and Debt. The interesting complexity of continually borrowing with no...

BoAm told to pay another $13 Billion

The Fed have learned they can get big bucks out of the bankers. So while the suicides keep happening, the fines keep rising. Bank of America is asked to pay another...

We Have Increased the Capacity of our Servers

We have dramatically increased the size of our servers to deal with the voice capability and worldwide access points. This should be able to handle the massive load...

Russia Sent its Planes near Scotland

Russia continues to test the defenses of Europe to remind then that it is still a military power they cannot contend with alone. Russian planes flew into the edge...

Investors Dumping Russia

The first quarter figures are in. International investment in Russia has collapsed. At least $64 billion has been sold in Russia as capital flees. This has to a...