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Joining the Euro to Hold Russia at Arms Length

World Politics The move behind the curtain is to accelerate the movement to join the Euro for the Eastern European nations such as Poland and Ukraine. This is seen...

The Secret Agenda

During the late 1970s, I was chairman of the American Gold Council for one year. I had to fly around the USA and do a media tour. It taught me a lot about how it is...

American Civil Unrest is Starting on Schedule

  We have been warning that 2014 is the beginning of a new cycle that will see a highly unusual convergence between our domestic (civil unrest &...

Hunting the Rich

This is a quest to hunt for capital to seize. The UK government has come out and stated bluntly – “we will find you”. All governments are...

It’s Not the Rich – It’s The Total Cost of Gov’t That is Killing the Economy

QUESTION: Do you believe in a fairer system where there is a minimum income cap and a maximum asset cap? We live in an age where productivity has risen through...

European Banks cut 80,000 jobs

  Spain’s  Bankia headquarters in Madrid Europe’s top banks cut 80,000 more staff in post-crisis overhaul reported Reuters. The economic...

Update on the Sovereign Debt Crisis

  The theme of the conference seems to be spot on. Besides both civil unrest rising, international war potential in Korea and Eastern Europe, then there is the...

European Civil Unrest on the Rise – Rome & Paris this Weekend

Putin just has to sit back and watch for with two months before the European elections, the season for protests has begun. Literally, tens of thousands in Paris...

Baltic Dry Index – Collapse in World Trade – Thank you Harry Reid

The Baltic Dry Index falls for fourteen days in a row and is on a record low.The index shows the volume of world trade by sea. The collapse of the index warns...

The Real Problem – Government Consumes Too Much

While everyone wants to claim the problem is the rich have too much, that justifies government taking more. They fail to realize that the “rich” are not...