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Calendar Reform

QUESTION: Martin, You have opened my mind to the cycles I could only observe casually as a commercial r.e. appraisal on a micro scale in Detroit.  I am a...

The Blood Moon

COMMENT: when you write everything is connected I doubt even you appreciate how profound the connections actually go. highest regards, TY ANSWER: Absolutely...

The Coming Tetrad – the Blood Moons

QUESTION: Martin, In reading the article below, I couldn’t help but notice the fourth blood moon (September 28, 2015) will almost coincide with the projected...

From South Korea

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, Thank you for your recent pieces about South Korea. I have lived in Seoul for 10 years and regularly talk with educated people about the...

Thank You All – I do Get More Thanks than Hate Mail These Days

COMMENT:  A few years ago my father showed me some articles of a man writing from a prison with weird drawing and  about economics. I had no idea who you were or...

SEC Lawyer confirm Gov’t Will Do Nothing to Big Institutions EVER!!!! American Corruption at its finest

Retiring SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) trial attorney James Kidney blasted the SEC telling the truth from the inside that his bosses were too...

Global Market Watch April 8th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of April 8th, 2014. Global Market...

Gandhi & Cycle of Life

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You are truly making a huge difference. I am writing from India. All I can tell you is what Mahatma Gandhi said applies very much to you:...

American Oligarchy – Harry Reid’s Doing

The US has been hunting down American citizens on a worldwide basis. Individuals can not expand their business overseas and Congress has destroyed American...

Brawl in Ukrainian Parliament – Politicians Behaving Normal

Tensions turn into a brawl in the Ukrainian Parliament. This is precisely what the people were revolting against – total government corruption and this...