The next support for the closing was 16131. Indeed, we stated “if that holds we may have a low today temporarily.” That appears to be the case and a...
This is the main channel – the Weekly Breakout Channel. A retest of that area is normal in any uptrend. The top of that channel lies at 15574. The key...
We seem to be in a race to see who can ask government to hold their money. This is the classic flight to quality (i use that word loosely). The talk on the...
Behind the curtain, the long list of those who support the USA against ISIS has no substance. Why? This is a religious war and therein lies the problem. The...
COMMENT: Loved your candid picture of the little boy in Brussels taking a leak on Europe. It is so true living here. REPLY: Well, it is a shame but all governments...
The storm brewing in Europe with the European Central Bank (ECB) is its plan to buy bad debt from banks in the version of stimulating the economy. Of course this is...
Private armies for hire are becoming popular on all sides. For government, this is the greatest invention since taxes – no social benefits. Mercenaries...
QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong … In the Metals report you mentioned that the further Gold fell, the greater the rally would be thereafter. So don’t the same...
When it comes to forecasting, the IMF is virtually always wrong to a large extent. Indeed, often they are spectacularly wrong as was the case with the financial...
As Julius Caesar said: the die is cast. He also said I came, I saw, I conquered (Veni Vidi Vici). The entire idea of the Euro is a total disaster. This is now about...