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China Adopted our Capital Flow Models

COMMENT: The conference must have been exhausting; I know there is so much work and preparation that these events require. A lot to catch up on, but firstly, I saw...

Economic Sanctions – Do Not Move or We will Commit Suicide

  Economic sanctions against Russia are really stupid. It is like the scene from Blazing Saddles where he points a gun at himself and says if anyone moves,...

Rising threat of International War

  Russia conducted military exercises on borders with Latvia and Estonia. Putin believes that landmass is the nation’s greatness – not its...

Global Market Watch April 3rd, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of April 3rd, 2014. Global Market...

Thailand over 5,000 Dead in Civil Unrest To Date

In Thailand, it is now reported that there were some 53 violent incidents that erupted in the Southern region last month killing 33 people. In all, since the...

Vietnam -Rising Discontent over Corruption

The global trend that is brewing against corruption is absolutely everywhere. Vietnam is dealing with rising public anger over corruption that has unfolded in and...

New Zealand Reporting on US Citizens

The USA continues to tighten the noose on the world economy. These people are hunting taxes but destroying the world economy. Now they have targeted New Zealand....

Russia Recalls Ambassador to NATO As this Spirals Out of Control

The US has been encircling Russia with nukes for sometime and they have been escalating the Ukrainian affair to the brink of war. NATO suspended all cooperation...

Training Session Supplemental Materials

  Those that attended the Training Conference are invited to send questions on how to trade that will be addressed in a supplemental manual. Four days is an...

Putin Beefing Up Syria – Still with Eyes on Ukraine

Putin has now more openly beefed-up Syria after Crimea. The West cannot stop Russia and he knows that. Stopping the pipeline through Syria is economically vital to...