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Fully Invisible Aircraft

Does the USA have totally invisible planes? Why are they being leaked now?  There has been development of secret planes at Area 51 for decades. Some crashes have...

Global Market Watch for April 2nd, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of April 2nd, 2014. Global Market...

Army Intervenes in Thailand to Prevent Civil War

The embattled Priminister Yingluck Shinawatra is accused of condoning massive corruption. The uprising there is focused on corruption and this is a rising trend we...

Constitutional Convention 2016?

A very interesting political development has taken place, but you can bet the Democrats will fight tooth-and-nail to prevent it. This week the state legislature of...

Earthquakes & the Ring of Fire Intensifying on Schedule

We have been getting also a lot of emails requesting an update on earthquakes. About 5 hours ago, an 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern...

The Age of Civil Unrest – Part II

I have been getting an extraordinary amount of emails regarding our model on Civil Unrest and how governments seem to be gearing up in accordance with our models....

US Corporates All Cashed Up

The numbers are in. U.S. companies (excluding banks) are all cashed up holding more cash on their balance sheets than ever in history – some $1.64 trillion...

The Rise of Shadow Banking & The Volcker Rule

The problem with those in government is simple – they are delusional. These people like to think they have power and the world kisses their feet. They assume...

Money is only a Medium of Exchange & Wealth = Productivity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong: You said, “The difference between gold and other investments such as real estate and stocks lies in its MOVABILITY.” No.  The...

Counting Your Fingers in New York

The big money center banks trade against clients ALL THE TIME and they will eat their own in seconds. You cannot ever deal with these people and expect that they...