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Thomas Eric Duncan Lied to get out of Liberia

Healthcare for prisoners only began when plagues in London began in the prisons and when a prisoner had to appear in court, judges were infected. Even the Lord...

ECB Meets in Naples & Riots Breakout

The European Central Bank (ECB) says it met in Naples to celebrate Europe’s diversity. The ECB president Mario Draghi defends the ECB  insisting that it...

Comment from Europe on France

COMMENT  sent in by reader how they try to shut down free speech rather than address the problem/ When France goes, it will take the whole of Europe with it. This...

Benchmark Cycles

COMMENT: Marty; the metals report is amazing. The chapters illustrating the Benchmark Cycles is worth the price alone. I never saw cycles shown in so many...

Is a Long-term Gold Bear Market Possible?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for publishing the Metals report.   I was just wondering what would cause a bear market in gold , no one has really written or...

Will the Demise be Plague or Economics?

QUESTION: Hello Marty. I have been reading you even before you’ve had a blog. Always enjoy your articles. You have stated that the global economy will take a...

Ignorance of Cycles is Astonishing

Constantly we are bombarded by academics who take whatever trend is in motion and extend it out into the distant future. They did that with Global Warming and Al...

Hollande Single-Handedly Destroys France

France is bankrupt and part of the Sovereign Debt Crisis comes when a government has to roll its debt and there is no bid. Next year, France’s President...

Obama & Holder Destroy the Constitution

I have studied Constitutional Law intensely and I can say with conviction that history will indeed remember Eric Holder and his mentor Obama for much more than...

Ebola Plague? Stupidity is a real epidemic inside government

Stupidity is a real epidemic inside government. Now the man who was on a plane from Liberia with Ebola has finally sparked a thought inside government. A rare...