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NSA Gathers ALL Communications Everywhere

Snowden releases more info showing that communications over the entire globe are being swept up. This is not about terrorism; this is an effort to hunt money on a...

Welcome the Federalization of One Europe to Save the Euro

COMMENT:  Hello Mr Armstrong, just want to share with you an interview today with Mr Draghi in the Dutch newspaper ‘De Telegraaf’ (June 21st 2014). I...

The Hunt for Money & Who is Doing What

While there has been a lot written about the NSA grabbing phone calls and even Snowden warning that phone calls are the most insecure form of communication, this...

Hunt for Money & TiSA Negotiations Leaked by WikiLeaks

Leaked WikiLeaks documents reveal the Abbott government in Australia is moving with the EU and the USA in a secret trade negotiation that is aimed at bringing about...

Electronic Money starting in London

In London, buses will start in July accepting cards only – no more cash. Currency Exchanges are now offering cards instead of cash that they market as being...

Sovereign Debt Crisis Beginning

Argentina has bluntly stated it cannot make the next bond payment. The exist fees being attacked to long-bond funds is also the realization that our models are spot...

Canada – the Sneak Preview

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong – The Liberal majority was no surprise – they are still the best political machine in the province.  They promise no deficit in...

Google – The New Bank – Rollover BitCoin & Banks – Its the Internet Revolution

The real birth in electronic money is not Bitcoin, but Google Wallet. Standing in line at Starbucks you will see the under 25 crowd pay with their cell phones....

EU Commission Destroying Everything it can Touch – The Reverse Midas Touch

Ireland’s Finance Minister Michael Noonan has been desperately trying to meet the strict brain-dead requirements of the troika of the European Commission....

Bank of England to Raise Rates – Not Lower

The head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney delivered a speech at the “Lord Mayor’s Banquet” in London’s financial district with the...