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Ukraine Must Expel the Care-Taker Government And Start a New Path

The care-taker leaders are the typical bureaucrats who will destroy Ukraine and everything the people have fought for. Oleksandr Vіktorovich...

Swiss lose $17 Billion on Gold

The Swiss National Bank, one of the world’s biggest owners of gold, was forced to admit it took a loss of $17 billion on their gold holdings for 2013. This is...

Crimea Referrendum Join Russia Now or Later

The Ukrainian Crisis is far from over and confrontation between the West and Russia seems to be inevitable, albeit after September. The Kyiv Post illustrates the...

China’s Exports Collapse by 18.1%

I have warned that China’s exports were an illusion and that there was a huge carry trade borrowing dollars in Hong Kong at 1% and depositing the money in...

Cost of Government in USA

Government Statistics When we look at the economics or government, we have to sort through the games to even get close to reality. According to the U.S. Bureau of...

The Ukraine Joke About Yanukovych & Putin

  Putin visits Yanukovych and asks if it is infectious. The doctor says yes, and you have it too. The sad part, you can say the same about...

Global Market Watch – March 7th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of March 7th, 2014. Global Market...

Ukraine & the Warriors of Light

This is a non-official video, a Belarusian rock band sings this song in Russian (it’s called Daybreakers, the Warriors of Good or Light), it has been combined...

“Russian Spring” Fails in East from Donetsk

Our sources in the east have reported that what has been marketed by the pro-Russian supporters as the “Russian Spring” in Donetsk, has collapsed. More...

Ukraine – Not Over Yet

  The propaganda never stops from both sides and to get at the truth just reading the press is next to impossible. The Russians keep touting this was a US...