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US Separatist Movements

  At the Berlin Conference we also stated that we would see the USA  split as well along political-economic and religious grounds. Reuters has now published...

Brussels Celebrates their Defeat of Scottish YES Vote – Britain Falling in Religious Civil War?

The Scottish Vote really cannot be believed and it appears more-likely-than-not to have been rigged with at least EU influence. In Brussels, they are celebrating...

Violence Begins in Glasgow

The violence has begun in Glasgow as loyalists have started to attack pro-independence supporters. This entire situation remains unresolved and now not only is...

Salmond Resigns – Cameron Breaks First Promise

Alex Salmond said Thursday’s vote for an independent Scotland had been “galvanizing, wonderful, empowering.” Nevertheless, he announce he would...

2014 International Precious Metals Outlook

  As mentioned, everyone who purchases the 2014 Precious Metals Report will receive a complimentary update. This update is separate from the new 2015 Precious...

Right now in George Square – Yes & No Camps Confronting Each Other in Scotland

  Our sources on the ground in Scotland are reporting serious discontent is rising. The widespread feeling is starting to emerge that the election was...

Scottish Rigged Vote – Is Anything Real Any More? The Crisis in Democracy

I have communicated directly with some Scots. I spoke to an 18 year old segment to get a perspective of the youth. They used the word that they wanted a...

Our Progress Report

  To keep you all up to date, I have hired a CEO who was the head trader for many of the biggest banks over the years in Europe and the Middle East. He...

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Russia Copying Obama’s Internet Kill Switch

Next week, several activities are planned with the participation of high-ranking Russian officials on the work of the Russian segment of the Internet and to...