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Pending Pension Crisis – They Are Only a Promise

We have a major reform coming for the Pension field besides Obama trying to divert that money for infrastructure expenditure. The GASB Statement No. 68, Accounting...

What Will Be Worse This Time Around?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I’ve attended several of your conferences, and thank you very much for all you do. You’ve said that the next decline is going to...

What is the 300 Year Convergence in the War Cycle?

QUESTION: Marty, you said that this cycle is the first time that the civil unrest and the international war cycle converge since the 1700s. You mean that it is a...

There Seems to be A Surge in the YES Camp

This is going to be very interesting. The money in the “City” (London) is on a “NO” Vote. But people often play what the WANT to Happen...

It’s Not Official – There Are Huge Celebrations & They Are Calling it YES Eve

  One family I personally know the youth is voting Yes, the Father and Grandfather are voting YES and the Mother is quiet and they suspect she will vote NO,...

Sco–ish Vote

No word yet. Probably the NOs will have it. The wild card is the youth. The voting age was lowered in Scotland to 16. Therein is the wildcard. The “NOs”...

Scottish Vote

The Scottish vote will be very important from the perspective that this will shake up the entire concept behind Brussels if they vote YES. Throughout Europe, the...

Predicting the Future – Not So Hard

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I just read your 1997 Edinburgh transcript which you posted. It sounds like you could have written it today, which brings me to my...

74% of all Municipals want to raise Taxes – Hello DEFLATION!

Municipal governments are going broke everywhere. This entire structure of government would never have been designed even by a moron. In Germany. a survey of 300...

Edinburgh 1997 Seminar Transcript

  A client sent in a transcript of our April 29, 1997 presentation there in Edinburgh. This is interesting for it is discussing the formation of the Euro that...