According to reliable sources, the primary reason I have been for backing off of war is because this is by no means going to be some TV CNN special where you watch...
QUESTION: Marty Somebody has just bet $1.3million on a ‘NO’ vote result in the upcoming Scottish Independence Referendum – was that you? J Seriously, is the...
Reuters has reported from documents just unsealed yesterday that the US government had threatened to fine Yahoo $250,000 per day if it refused to turn over all...
Edinburgh Even within each nation, there is a divide that centers on the stark difference between the HAVES and those who want to take by law whatever they...
Several of the bankers are threatening to leave Scotland if they vote for separation. These sly bankers said the same shit when the UK did not join the...
This was the largest demonstration in the history of Barcelona with 1,8 million people showing up exceeding all previous records. Demonstrators were waving...
QUESTION: Marty, I believe I understand why you say everything is connected. Your call on Scotland links into your call for the Sterling to retest the par level....
There is a funny post on Facebook showing the real quality of politicians running around on Capital Hill. His concern, the island of Guam might tip-over if the US...
For the first time the position of the dollar as world reserve currency in the United States has come under criticism by Obama’s former chief economist, Jared...