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Various Flavors of Government

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You state that we are headed more toward a totalitarian state rather than fascist or communist state. I assume you are suggesting the NSA...

Discussion from Capitol Hill – Downs & Armstrong 5/30/2014

  Discussion About the Unfunded...

Negative Interest Rates

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I do not quite understand negative interest rates. Can you explain what these people are doing now? Thanks GS ANSWER: Very simple. You can...

Piketty – The Greatest Justification to Just Rob Anyone Who Has more Than You

We are seeing the most dangerous trend ever. There is an agenda behind the curtain and that is to sustain government at all costs and that includes everything you...

Paul Volcker and the move Toward a New Bretton Woods

Paul Volcker spoke at the annual meeting of the Bretton Woods Committee in Washington on May 21st, 2014 (yes once a committee is forms it lives forever). His...

The Peons Strike Back

Scientists from CERN and MIT create encrypted email. Only concern – US involvement. One phone call to MIT and will it still be...

Gold & the Black Market & $50,000

QUESTION: Martin, I’ve written you a few times and greatly appreciate the replies and posts on your blog. As I have mentioned before, I worked for a metals...


  The Commerce Departed originally put out 0.1% but it was revised to -1%. The economic growth has been marginal for the last year because we are seeing (1)...

Gold For the Close of May

Gold is moving into the June seasonal low on schedule. A closing for the month on a Nearest Futures basis tomorrow below 1251 should result in the sharp decline. A...

Precious Metals

QUESTION: Hi Martin, As someone who was taken in by the gold and silver bugs and went all in 3 years ago I am now left out of pocket and can’t sell my...