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Currency Inflation & What Does That Mean.

A number of questions have come in about the precious metals and real estate along side the stock market. Precious metals have their place. As long as you trade...

Will the USA Break-Up? Will all assets rise? How does this really work?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, As I continue to read your blog, I have to wonder if America will survive the coming hardships.  America is split about 50-50 politically...

Is US Economy Turning Down?

The first quarter numbers showed a contraction with first reading of gross domestic product (GDP) coming in at an annualized rate of just 0.1%. This steep...

One World Currency- From their Crack in the Wall

QUESTION: Marty, I want to thank you for saving me from the nonsense of the goldbugs. They go on and on about one-world governments and manipulations and that is...

Free Press = Freedom to Comply with Government or Jail Time

QUESTION:  Martin, Concerning World Trade Center Building 7 and the missing Trillion dollars, my questions are: 1) Why has the media never discussed this, 2) What...

Europe will go to Negative Interest Rates

Rates have been moving lower for it is now widely known behind the curtain that the ECB WILL take rates NEGATIVE in their dire efforts to stimulate this dead corps....

Microsoft Opens the Door All The Way

Windows 8.1 is allowing remote access into your computer. Honestly, those who need that can buy software for that function. This is like Obamacare where everyone...

Follow The Money

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Ok I get the point.  Massive deflation is what awaits us.  But how do you reconcile massive deflation with rises in assets prices? ...

Is the New World Order Cracking Apart?

Amazing, but some people have sent quotes attributed to R. Bildeberg claiming he will dominate the world. The Bildebergs are not named after a person some people...

Just for the Record – Obamacare

I received my letter today notifying me that Horizon Blue Cross of New Jersey is cancelling my healthcare as of September for it does not comply with Obamacare. I...