COMMENT: Dear Martin, First of all I must tell you, I look through your website several times a day as your learnings are unmatched. I wished we were both 20 and I...
COMMENT: Martin Armstrong. Hi – I was a die-hard goldbug. You changed me for ever Martin. Thank you. I think you will be remembered as one of the greatest...
We are working on the interface this week for the new system. We will inform you when it is ready for prime time. We will also be putting up maps of the...
QUESTION: You have taught us to pay attention to global capital flows to help us assess market directions and movements… Does it matter from where the...
COMMENT: Hello Martin, Finally you have raised the issue of the “global currency reset.” I have always been of the same opinion expressed by you that...
There are massive allegations of election fraud emerging in France, Greece, Canada, and Russia just to name a few. The more desperate the political class becomes to...
The European Banking Crisis is beyond description. A leak has come out that the Commission will simply seize money from all the banks on a flat rate basis...
QUESTION: Hi Martin, You correctly (I believe) describe what will happened: Today it appears that we will first eliminate the paper currencies and move to a new...